Under Governor Hogan's new Stay At Home Order, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources has issued a mandate regarding boating in Maryland. Here are the nuts and bolts of the mandate and also a link to the site with full details.
“Under the executive order, no Marylander should leave their home except for an essential reason. Therefore, recreational boating is not allowed. Limited hunting and limited recreational fishing and crabbing can continue to provide sustenance, however social distancing must be adhered to strictly. No permits for fishing tournaments, including virtual tournaments, will be issued by the department until further notice. Commercial fishing is deemed essential and may continue since it is part of the food supply chain." https://news.maryland.gov/…/dnr-issues-guidance-on-governo…/ We’re very excited to share with you that we have added a 3rd TowBoat to our fleet. Here’s our behind the scenes story of how we transformed a hull into a fast response marine towing and salvage vessel. We couldn’t have done it without the help of Bluewater Marine Specialist and a few great welders. Our whole family was involved in this process, we look forward to seeing you on the water!
A message to the boating community and our valued customers,
As we begin to navigate the newly uncharted waters presented by the Coronavirus, please rest assured that all of us at Tow Jamm Marine and TowBoatUS are remaining open and instep with the evolving situation. It is our goal to help flatten the curve while still being of assistance to boaters here on the Chesapeake Bay. The safety and security of our customers and captains is our highest priority. We are ready 24/7 with all of the appropriate sanitizing gear and will maintain a safe distance from all persons aboard your vessel. As essential workers, we are in continuous contact with our local agencies and up to date with the ever changing safety protocols set in place by the CDC and Governor Hogan. The BoatUS National Dispatch team is open 24/7 and assisting boaters all around the country. Our local Tow Jamm Dispatch is also here 24 hours a day for our boating community in the Chesapeake Bay. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or local knowledge about remote places to visit around the Bay. To all of the hero's working on the frontlines as first responders, in the medical fields and in constant reach of the public, we thank you! Our wish is that everyone stays healthy and safe, on and off the water. Tow Jamm Dispatch: (410) 745-3000 BoatUS Dispatch: (800) 391-4869 Standing by, Captains & Crew of Tow Jamm Marine |
February 2024
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